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Teggiano - Heart of Cilento

Far into the depths of the Cilento National Park, lies the small hilltop town of Teggiano, overlooking the vast endless plains of Cilento's Vallo di Diano...

View from Teggiano

Located 2 000 feet or 600 metres above sea level, you can imagine some of the views of the Diano valley from the top of the town. Truly spectacular. 

Of all the nearby historic towns in the province, Teggiano has been exceptionally well preserved. This can be seen today in the form of the ancient Roman fortifications surrounding the town. 

The Churches

Outside the Teggiano Cathedral of Santa Maria Maggiore

If there's one thing you can't miss when in Teggiano, it's visiting one of the many local churches. Although it's a town of only about 7000 inhabitants, Teggiano boasts some impressive churches, not least of which is the magnificent Cathedral of Santa Maria Maggiore.

Pictured above is a biblical painting on one of the cathedral's exterior walls, while in the two images below, the interior can be seen:

Cathedral of Santa Maria Maggiore, Teggiano
Cathedral of Santa Maria Maggiore, Teggiano

Breathtaking don't you think? Especially for a small town like Teggiano.

The Church was built towards the end of the 13th century and has undergone numerous modifications over the centuries. 

One of the biggest changes that took place was as a result of an earthquake in the 19th century. The damage to the church was actually used as an opportunity to enlarge it and add to the already immense beauty that was there. 

Other things to see and do

Thanks to Teggiano's elevated location in the upper part of the Negro river valley, a short stroll along the main street takes you from the Cathedral to Piazza Portello, a large opening at the edge of town overlooking the vast landscape below, with the Cilento's majestic mountains and ancient settlements sprawling as far as the eye can see. 

Along the main street you'll find quite a few bars and coffee shops dotted around, where you can enjoy a wonderfully strong Southern Italian espresso with a local pastry.

Be sure to explore the many tiny alleyways and quiet backstreets for some splendid photo opportunities. The faded Fiats and vibrant flower boxes complement each other so very well.

A nearby town to explore

Just a 40 minute drive from Teggiano, and you'll find yourself in the village of Roscigno. In particular, you'll want to visit the old version of the village, also known as Roscigno Vecchia.

Now a UNESCO World Heritage Site, it has quite a fascinating history, having been abandoned in the early 20th century because of the risk of landslides. The town's original buildings are still there today and make for an excellent representation of what 19th century rural Italian towns looked like. 

No paved roads, no sidewalks, no street signs, no lights, no electricity.

Until earlier this year Roscigno Vecchia was home to just one inhabitant, a man named Guiseppe Spagnuolo, who after leaving as a child, decided to return to the village his soul craved.

After being the only citizen of Roscigno Vecchia for over 20 years, Guiseppe sadly passed away in January, 2024.

Find out more about Roscigno Vecchia and the legacy left behind by Guiseppe.

How long should you spend in Teggiano?

This comes down to personal preference more than anything. That's because Teggiano is one of the Cilento's more rural inland towns and attractions, meaning it's a bit too far out to visit if you're staying somewhere more well known along the coast, like Castellabate or Agropoli.

But because Teggiano and Cilento's hinterland has so much to see and explore, including many other charming villages as well as the famous natural caves of Pertosa, I'd recommend you combine your stay along the coast with at least a couple of nights inland. 

And there's no better inland base than Teggiano.

Although it's small and can only offer so many attractions, it's one of the Cilento's larger inland towns and is centrally located, making it a perfect base from where you can explore your surroundings.

So 2-3 nights in Teggiano is just perfect.

On the other hand, if you're limited for time and want to stay along the coast, you could visit Teggiano for the day if you get an early start.

It takes one and a half hours to reach by car from the coastal town of Agropoli.

Where to stay in Teggiano?

I'd have to recommend the one and only Antichi Feudi Dimora D'Epoca, which roughly translates to "an ancient feudal dwelling" due to its long history as the residence of a Baronial family.

The house is right in the centre of Teggiano, lively and full of old-town Italian atmosphere. Rooms offer spectacular views over the vast valley landscape or Teggiano's old town square. 

As there's hardly any choice in Teggiano, we've only got one recommendation here but you really can't go wrong with it!

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